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Updated: Aug 30, 2021

Anyone reading this right now is probably assuming that they know exactly what I am going to speak on. Any parent, or anyone who has a close relationship with a parent, knows that the job comes with a lot of joy, but at the same time there are several challenges experienced, no matter where you are in your journey.

Whether you are a brand new mom or dad, trying your best to fumble your way through the unknown to do what is best for your baby, or you are the father of a grown man or woman who you believe is making a bad decision, and you just can’t seem to get them to see the light, the life of a parent can most definitely be difficult and complex at times.

Personally, I go through most days exhausted and stressed, wondering if this is really the life that I chose when I made the decision to have not one, but two daughters and a stepson, all under the age of 10 years old. It can be the cause of feelings of sadness, anger, frustration and guilt, especially when we hear these amazing tales from our childless friends appearing to be living their best lives. Can you believe that they can use the bathroom or shower without interruption for as long as they want and are able to achieve a full night’s sleep without being awakened by a crying baby or a child coming into their room to sleep with them???!!

Don’t even get me started on having to do all this while trying to establish a career, manage a household and or significant other and keeping up with what the kids are doing at school, especially now in this COVID era.

Moreover, if you go to a friend or family member, they may say something like, “you have to make time for yourself”, or ‘An empty vessel can't give water….”. But how do we make time for all of this?

The harsh reality is that many parents feel like, they have no choice but to put their time into their jobs and careers, as this is the source of income and livelihood for them and their families. They also believe that they need to take some time to take care of themselves which is very relatable. So what time is usually sacrificed?

The unfortunate truth is that time spent with our children is usually is the first to go. I am saying this from a place of experience. It’s easier to let the kids spend the day watching TV or YouTube or even doing art or reading alone without you, just so that you have time to get your life together, however is it the best thing for them?

Many times I find myself telling my kids “just go and find something to do”, while I finishing sending that last email, or I finish that last post and I have to catch myself because I realize that it’s been a while since I spent some time with them.

We can’t sacrifice time with the kids. They need us to show them the way. We can’t depend on TV or YouTube to raise our children and then wonder why they have these negative traits that are later noticed. We can’t expect our children to just automatically grasp concepts at school without us reinforcing what they have learnt at home. Our children are our greatest investments, the effort and time needs to be put into their development. The same amount, or more, of the blood, sweat and tears that goes into us working towards that next promotion, or building that company, or working towards that degree must go into the development of our children.

Even though it may not seem that way at times, every conversation, every hour spent doing homework or studying together, every games night or movie night, every dance, singing and laughing session is integral to their socialization and development and better prepares them for life, while letting them know without a shadow of a doubt that:






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